PCG produces the highest quality and most effective products available on the market today to aid in the prevention of mold contamination. Since 2004 we have proudly helped hundreds of builders in the single family, multi-family and commercial markets to reduce the potential liability associated with fungal concerns during construction and after transfer of ownership.
Only PCG produces the technologically advanced solutions which surpass the rigors of all known testing standards for efficacy. Each product is carefully engineered for its specific use and will add protection on every surface to which they are applied.
Confidence in FortiCel® Protection

Environmentally Friendly
Every product manufactured by PCG has strict guidelines that adhere to our commitment of environmental responsibility.
Science and Technology
PCGs technically advanced products are unique and exceed the capability of all known available technologies. Having the confidence of capability is essential when protecting a persons dwelling place!
Value and Protection
For pennies per square foot, premises can be protected and warranted for 25 years!.